I’m super excited you found my website! …. and especially this page where we’ll explore how to raise your energy vibration by drawing upon knowledge in positive psychology about having a higher Positivity Ratio than Negativity to create a life of flourishing.

positivity book by barbara frederickson

I’m on a mission to teach one million people how to raise their energy vibration, and I prefer to draw upon knowledge and evidence in scientific studies – rather than just waffle on some nonsense that doesn’t make sense to people’s mind.

So, let’s dive into the overall premise I’m using on this – rather large – mission of how to raise your energy vibration on: Healing the Planet from Within.

In many videos on my YouTube Channel and even in my online courses I draw upon knowledge from the book called “Positivity: Top-Notch Research Reveals the 3 to 1 Ratio That Will Change Your Life”, by Barbara Frederickson, Ph.D.  In her book she draws upon over 300 scientific studies to reveal the benefits of having a higher positivity ratio for a life of flourishing.

As an energy healer I refer to this as “positivity activations” and “raising your energy vibration”. To me, the two are intricately linked throughout thousands of years in our history. It makes sense when you see it in the energy world that when we consciously choose a positive feeling or emotion and “activate” it in our being – we naturally feel good – and this is seen as a “higher vibration”, which also protects us from lower negative energies.

Hence, I’ve made the LINK between SCIENCE and our ENERGY VIBRATION so that we can make the necessary MINDSET SHIFT to consciously choose how to raise our energy vibration for better living.

In Barbara’s book she mentions 10 different forms of positivity that we can actively involve ourselves for how to raise our energy vibration (raise our positivity ratio) every day – being attention to what we generate in our thoughts, feelings and emotions – and making the choice to FEEL BETTER and IMPROVE OUR LIFE.

How to Raise Your Energy VibrationThis really excites me because it made a huge LIGHT BULB MOMENT in my mind that took my life to another level. I could consciously witness the negative energy coming over me and observe how it made my body feel – down, lethargic and sick – and then choose a positive energy by activating a positive feeling in my body and notice the immediate difference. Of course, I’m still working on this and I’m not perfect at the technique 100% of the time – yet.

Now I’m sharing this knowledge in various ways and on different platforms, “I’m on a mission to teach one million people how to raise their energy vibration.” 

Let’s briefly explore some of these positivity activations for how to raise your energy vibration before you wander over to my YouTube channel and start BINGE WATCHING 😉

How to Raise Your Energy Vibration with Positivity Activations

  1. Meditation activates feelings of peace and serenity. Doing 10-20 minutes of meditation holding the Gyan Mudra is an effortless way to feel peaceful and reduce the rambling thoughts of the mind.
  2. Keeping a gratitude journal activates the positivity of gratefulness. Don’t underestimate the power of a gratitude journal – see for yourself by writing down 3-5 things you’re grateful for before going to bed at night for 21 days.
  3. Smiling widely for 2 minutes straight increases feelings of happiness – increase that time to 5 minutes and you might even activate JOY. But don’t take my word for it – try it for yourself!
  4. Do a quick version of the loving kindness meditation every day by stating 5x, “May all beings be healthy and happy” during the drive to work. Try to feel the blessing in your heart centre.
  5. Pat yourself on the book and tell yourself what and why you’re proud of. I did this yesterday when I accomplished sewing a button hole on the sewing machine. Lol.

Think of a few other simple activities for how to raise your energy vibration and comment below what you’re trying to raise your positivity ratio higher than negativity – raising your energy vibration – and gives some inspiration (another positivity activation!) to others.

Many blessings on your journey!