Yes, absolutely you can release trapped emotions with Reiki Symbols – and it’s a powerful technique that empowers you to release old energetic baggage and burdens.
If you’ve heard of the fairly new healing modality EMOTION CODE by Dr. Bradley Nelson in the US you would know the benefits of releasing trapped emotions for our overall health and well-being.
While the Emotion Code technique works well we can also use Reiki Symbols and a Reiki Healing Technique to release trapped emotions, but don’t take my word for truth – try this technique out for yourself and then comment below as to what you experienced.
I’d particularly like to hear from Certified Emotion Code Practitioners; as I am one myself and I know the depth we go to in energy healing sessions and the experience we have in the energy world.
Release Trapped Emotions with Reiki Symbols
Reiki Level 2 symbols and techniques are the easiest to use to release trapped emotions with Reiki, and the main reason for this is because at Reiki Level 1 practitioners are taught how to work with, heal and consciously change their energy vibration.
Note: The Reiki symbol or Kotodama can be used for this technique – depending on which one you are more familiar and confident with.
How to Release Trapped Emotions with Reiki Symbols:
Step 1: Activate the first Reiki Symbol from your Level 2 training and then expand it until it encompasses your entire body. Once you feel it completely and wholly then expand it to fill the entire room. This will raise the energetic vibration of yourself and the room – giving you both protection and the psychic ability to go into trance state to do the releasing.
This should be easy for you if you’ve been trained properly in the Reiki system. If you feel you need to upgrade your Reiki Training and Reiki Certification to increase your confidence please check out my online Reiki Master Training Certification.
Step 2: Activate the second Reiki Symbol and with set a pure intention about what you want to achieve – or if you already know the emotion you want to release just intend that. As your training should have taught you is that the second Reiki symbol from Reiki Level 2 is the symbol that helps us connect with and heal our feelings and emotions. Therefore, it is ideal and necessary to use in this technique.
Step 3: Use the Reiki Level 1 technique Nentatsu-Ho and make the intention to release and trapped emotion. If you’ve taken the time to build your relationship with the Reiki energies you’ll see how easy it is to do. If not, take time to first build up your skills – and then viola!, you’ll have a powerful tool to heal yourself and release trapped emotions.
With advanced knowledge Reiki Level 2 practitioners are better able to tune into, identify, feel and then release trapped emotions with Reiki symbols from their energy body and physical body.
To me, this is a more productive and effective practice than Emotion Code because learning how to feel into energies empowers us to work with energies at an advanced level – which is what most Emotion Code practitioners are not trained to do.
Give it a try for yourself and see how it works for you!
Note: There are many types of energy healing modalities in the world, and many of them are thousands of years old. Nowadays the term “Biofield Therapy” is used in scientific research as an umbrella term for different types of energy healing. It’s worthwhile researching this term for yourself to learn what has been discovered in science as to how effective energy healing is.
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