I’ve been on a remarkable spiritual journey this past year, one that has left me in awe and fascination. It all began with a premonition – a calling, if you will – that led me to a monastery in Sri Lanka for three months. Little did I know the profound depth of knowledge I would uncover there, under the tutelage of a monk who had not only studied the Dhamma but had lived it.spiritual journey healing the planet from within

As I sit here, reflecting on that time, I’m amazed at how my understanding of the world has shifted. The mundane mind that once dominated my thoughts now seems to fade into insignificance, as I’ve come to realize its true nature. Our senses and memory control our thoughts. When we see something – we think. When we hear something – we think. And those thoughts have the potential to create feelings and emotions.

Observing the patterns of this world in everyday life is a never ending task, yet the process seems to be unwinding something deeper within myself. It’s hard to explain.

It no longer holds sway over me, for I’m focused instead on consciously vibrating my entire being with a sense of bliss, a state of being that transcends the illusory nature of the physical realm.

Spiritual Journey goes Completely Nomadic

I’ve become a nomad, traveling to different places to deepen my meditation practice. Whether it’s in the remote villages of the jungle, strict Goenka Vipassana courses, or the tranquil solitude of a quiet beach, I’ve found that the universe seems to guide me to the places I need to be. Premonitions come to me, and I follow them, trusting that they will lead me to the next step in my journey. It’s a fascinating process, one that often leaves my mundane mind baffled.

Confusion with Money

There’s also some confusion about how I’m to go deeper on my spiritual journey and the path to enlightenment when the world demands money. I don’t need much, and most places I go to are cheap or on donation. I’ve spoken to a few Monks and Nuns about how they make money, and depending upon the country they’re in, the answer is different. I find that fascinating.

For instance, Buddhism is revered in Sri Lanka and their path is fully supported with food, accommodation and even flights if needed. I spoke to a Monk in Australia from the Thai Forest Tradition and he said that monks there are fully supported too. However, Monks and Nuns in the Himalayan Mountains are not supported and they are expected to have their own financial support. Money is distracting on this journey so I hope – next year – that I’ll be fully supported on this spiritual journey and walk away from money entirely – I have already downgraded to just a backpack!

Other Spiritual Humans

As I wander, I encounter others who are also on their own spiritual quests, and I’m humbled by the diversity of paths that lead to the same destination. Each person’s journey is unique, yet we are all connected by the underlying truth that lies at the heart of all existence. I no longer feel alone in my spiritual journey and the exploration of mysticism and the mysteries of the universe – and that is bliss.

Fully Sadhaka

In this year, I have fully dedicated my entire life to my spiritual journey as if I’m an ordained Nun already. It’s not easy surrendering to the unknown in the inner world – yet such a fascinating journey.

I have witnessed the power of the mind to transform the way we perceive the world, and I have tasted the sweet nectar of inner peace, contentment, bliss & yes, even experienced states of samadhi. And as I continue to follow the whispers of my intuition, I know that there is so much more to discover, so much more to learn and experience.

I give you, my readers, subscribers and followers – my heartfelt THANK YOU. I really means alot to me to know that you’re there listening, reading and being inspired. For this journey I’m on – is not for myself – it’s for the entire world.

“I’m on a mission to teach 1 million people how to raise their energy vibration.”

Note: A few followers have travelled to me where I was currently – in whatever country I was in or going to – and spent time in my energies and learning from me. If you feel the craving to do so – please contact me via the calendar.

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Healing the Planet from Within and binge watch as if it’s your personal training program to better living.

Read more about Santosha here.