Our beliefs are extremely powerful, influencing us at every level of our being, from our feelings about ourselves to what we believe we can achieve, to what we expect from others, and to how we perceive and experience the world around us. We, in effect, create the world by believing what is possible and probable.

 Belief is so powerful that it has inspired scientific research. These studies have shown that our beliefs influence how much happiness, peace, optimism, and contentment we experience on a daily basis. They have an impact on our motivation, confidence, self-esteem, and how effectively we use our skills and abilities. Beliefs even influence the depth of connection we have with those around us, limiting or sabotaging our relationships.

➜ Have you ever felt stuck in a sabotaging pattern?

➜ Have you inherited a family belief that stops you from feeling good about yourself?

➜ Would you like to know the secret to transforming your CORE Beliefs and positively change your life for good?

Well, it’s time to get rid of limiting beliefs. [And some of those stuck emotions too!]

The nature of our reality is formed from our beliefs and attitudes. Although we are caught in a matrix of societal constructs, this limited view becomes so absorbed with who we believe we are that it becomes difficult to distinguish between our own beliefs and values and the ones society dictates.

➜ Beliefs are not an identity; they are simply your interpretation of what you think is true. changing core beliefs free personal development worksheet

What you think and believe is true gives the definition of self. Some people act as if their beliefs define them. Instead of seeing the whole reality they select particular bits and pieces which mirror what they believe to be true. Regardless of the evidence before them, their lenses are only giving them a restricted view and they are seeing a limited perspective of reality. Ideally, knowledge of self, beliefs, attitudes and thoughts gives power to expansive awareness and choice.

➜ Psychologists have found that some people’s beliefs and attitudes are not congruent with their behaviours. While the people think they are passionate about the environment, they may not recycle, pick up plastic bags or use natural products. The belief about wanting to save the planet is not taken into action in their present moment. When they realise this, they can choose to be conscious about what they desire and alter their behaviours in alignment with their beliefs and values.

In addition, each belief and attitude has a consequence and everyone can choose what consequence they prefer by altering their belief. For example, if a person believes they are not intelligent enough to go to university, the belief itself may be strong enough to stop the person from going.

➜ Any belief can hinder someone from improving their life and self improvement, and hence the importance of personal development.

Personal development is the key to opening up your life to new possibilities. Personal development is the #1 thing that all successful business people do!! So, you can see why I’m so passionate about it… and why I’ve put up a whole page dedicated to giving people FREE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEETS! [click here]

In saying that, the first step in altering unhelpful beliefs and attitudes is to become aware of them through thought patterns. 

By going deep within, in a state of reflection, a person is able to identify the underlying beliefs which hinder their success or are making them feel uncomfortable. Some hindering beliefs can be identified and proven to be distorted or incorrect by reality testing with what is really happening. For instance, a level of intelligence is not as necessary at university as the ability to be effective with time management, organisation and keeping an open mind to learning new things.

Download this excellent Download this FREE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET TO CHANGE CORE BELIEFS that are hindering you from achieving a life you love, then browse the rest of our FREE Personal Development Worksheets website and download more free worksheets for adults.

Also, Watch my YOUTUBE VIDEO on 5 STEPS to a Perfect PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN where I talk about changing core beliefs!