Thank you so much!  I’ve never tried healing with Emotion Code before. I felt so desperate for relief. I struggled with a negative inner self talk for so long no matter how ‘positive’ I tried to be. After our first session, this morning, for the first time ever, instead of asking ‘am I enough’ I am actually hearing ‘I am enough’, ‘I am enough’.

I am so interested now to learn about how this was in me from 26 lifetimes ago. I know very very little about my ancestors but at the end you said that there were so many of my ancestors with you.

For some time, I have felt like I am just incapable of happiness. For as long as I can remember has been this deep dark rage in me that sometimes sleeps and sometimes is woke. All of this now I want to know if you are able to help me with this too.

Thank you so much❤️