Episode 6, part 3:

Healing Intergenerational Trauma with Meditation 3 of 3

Embark on an extraordinary journey with this captivating podcast, where we have elevated the listening experience to a transformative training program. Prepare to become the ultimate healer of your own life! For maximum benefit, make sure to tune in to all the MINDSET SHIFT episodes. Otherwise, the patterns of your mind may hinder your progress in breaking free from toxic cycles, healing yourself, and moving forward. Get ready to unlock your true potential!​

Ever wondered how the shadows of our past can impact our present? Filled with personal insights and a transformative healing exercise, this episode promises to guide you on a journey to tackle the intricate labyrinth that is intergenerational trauma. I, Santosha, share my personal experience of healing narcissistic patterns within my family lineage, emphasizing that the power to change lies within us. Through immersive discussions and exercises, we shed light on your personal template for living and the importance of persistence in this transformative journey.

The healing doesn’t stop there; it’s time to transcend words and work directly with energies. This episode leads you into a potent healing meditation to directly target ancestral trauma. Experience the profound connection with your higher self and spirit guides as you give permission for healing. But remember, it’s not a one-time fix, consistent practice of this meditation can bring clarity and understanding. As we wrap up, we extend an invitation to join our ever-growing healing community by subscribing to our channel and website. Peek behind the scenes and stay updated with our inspiring content. Healing is a process, and we’re here with you every step of the way. Together let’s heal our lives and the planet from within.


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