Episode 1: Become the Healer: Warm Welcome

Episode 1: Become the Healer: Warm Welcome

Episode 1: warm welcome

Welcome to the transformative world of the Become the Healer Podcast! This extraordinary listening experience goes beyond entertainment – it’s a powerful healing journey that we embark on together, propelling our lives to new heights. No matter what kind of healing you seek – be it for your body, mind, or soul – we invite you to join our vibrant community. Together, we’ll explore a diverse range of healing modalities and unlock the secrets to achieving holistic well-being. Get ready to elevate your life and discover the incredible power within you!

Welcome, fellow seekers of healing and growth! Get ready to embark on a transformative journey with “Become the Healer,” the podcast that goes beyond mere listening to give you a powerful training experience. My name is Santosha, your host and guide on this incredible adventure.

Together, we’ll dive into the vast world of healing modalities where we’ll explore ancient wisdom, proven techniques, and scientific evidence as well as hear uplifting stories to further inspire your healing journey and raise your energy vibration. I’m excited to share this journey with your because I believe that when more people Become the Healer of their life they are raising their energy vibration sending a rippling affect around the world: Healing the Planet from Within.

So, this podcast isn’t just about gaining knowledge. It’s about practicality and having an interactive experience.! Along our journey together, you’ll learn practical tools and techniques that you can apply in your everyday life. Whether it’s simple breathing exercises, mindset training, hands-on worksheets, or self-care rituals, you’ll have a treasure trove of practical wisdom to draw from.

We’ll also dive into the exciting realm of interacting with our vibrant world! Get ready to discover how you can boost your energy vibration and take charge of your life, guiding it in the direction YOU want it to go! It’s going to be a thrilling journey.

So, are you ready to unlock your inner healer?

Whether you’re already on a healing journey or just starting out, “Become the Healer” is your go-to resource for inspiration and guidance. Together, we’ll navigate the twists and turns of this complex transformative path, empowering ourselves and others along the way.

Are you ready to step into your power? Join me on Become the Healer – where listening becomes an immersive training experience that will elevate every aspect of your life. Together, let’s heal, grow, and create a brighter future. Subscribe today so you won’t miss an intriguing episide!

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About The Author


Santosha was born in Canada, then lived in Australia for 26 years, and now is in Tamil Nadu, India, deepening her Sadhana. She holds five University Degrees, including in Counselling and Psychology, as well as a Master's Degree in Education. She is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, empath and intuitive. She has been a Reiki Master for over 20 years and is now a Reiki Grand Master who has been Divinely Guided by Source to assist others to get unstuck from toxic patterns so they can raise their energy vibration and live a life they love. Read more about Santosha here: https://healingtheplanetfromwithin.com/about-santoshaji/

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