What is Kriya Yoga and Spiritual Awakening? What are Kriyas?

On my spiritual journey I came across Kriya Yoga in Rishikesh, India. The practice absolutely fascinated me because one can only practice it after receiving initiation. However, a mind boggling moment happened prior to my initiation is when Gurudev walked into the meditation hall – pointed to me – and asked if I’ve already received the initiation. The moment was never explained to me – but I’m assuming my previous initiations from a few other spiritual practices were seen in my spiritual energy.kriya yoga guru rishikesh india

So what is Kriya Yoga?

Kriya Yoga is a powerful spiritual practice that aims to unlock the hidden potential within each individual. Through a series of precise techniques and meditations, Kriya Yoga guides practitioners on a transformative journey towards self-realization and enlightenment.

At its core, Kriya Yoga harnesses the innate life force, or “prana,” within the body, directing it inward to stimulate the subtle energy centers and awaken the dormant faculties of the mind and spirit.

As practitioners delve deeper into this ancient discipline, they embark on a profound process of purification, introspection, and expansion of consciousness, ultimately leading to a profound state of inner peace, clarity, and spiritual awakening.

What was my experience with the Kriya Yoga technique?

I’m sure you’re all aware that the success of the student depends upon whether they were taught the techniques to the level of depth and understanding required to advance. When Guruduv guided the meditation I saw LIGHT in my mind – as if my entire being was made of Light. Unfortuantely, I was able to get to that stage myself through my own practice.

I put aside the Kriya Yoga practice – and instead focused on the meditation practice I was guided to do after seeing the Dalai Lama for the first time. After a chaotic situation in South India I was suddenly launched into Sri Lanka where I studied for 4 months at a Buddhist monastary – this is where my personal practice was confirmed as the path to enlightenment, and I still practice this today with expanded practices that keep downloading.

But before we finalise this blog on Kriya Yoga I wanted to mention some of the mysterious “Kriyas” people might experience while deepening their meditation and spiritual practices:

What are Kriyas?

Kriyas, in the context of spiritual awakening, refer to spontaneous physical and energetic movements that can occur during meditation or other spiritual practices. They are known as “common” amongst many spiritual practices – not just Kriya Yoga.

These movements can include trembling, shaking, twisting, swaying, or even more subtle internal sensations. Kriyas are believed to be a natural and beneficial part of the spiritual awakening process, as they are said to help release energetic blockages, purify the body, and facilitate the flow of life force energy (also known as prana or chi).

In Chi Gong practices I learned over 20 years ago the advice was to observe them while experiencing them – and consciously slow them down or stop them if they are putting your body at physical danger such as hitting a table or moving towards stairs. But, this advice comes from spontaneous Chi Gong.

Disclaimer: This blog is from my own personal experience. Research for yourself.

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