I know you have been searching for purpose, meaning, and awakening.

I know you want to get out of the rut you’re in.

I know, you know, there’s more to this world that what you see.

I know you crave the secret to untangling yourself from the sabotaging pattern.

…… from the limiting matrix of beliefs, thoughts, attitudes and feelings that your family members, friends and society are members of.

changing core beliefs healing the planet from within santosha
Have you ever felt stuck in a sabotaging pattern?

Have you inherited a family belief that stops you from feeling good about yourself?

Would you like to know the secret to transforming your CORE Beliefs and positively change your life for good? Read more for this powerful personal development technique.

Personal Template of Core Beliefs, Thoughts, Attitudes, Feelings and Emotions

When you were born you were given certain rules for living from your parents, family members, teachers, doctors, and so on. Throughout your childhood these beliefs, thoughts, attitudes and feelings taught you how to react in different situations. For instance, if you cleaned your room you might get a hug or money or other forms of praise. So, you learned to clean your room and you’d get a good feeling. If you spilled the milk then perhaps you were criticised, yelled at or scolded. The different forms of reactions from the people around you told you many things including: who you are (a good boy or girl), whether you were loveable and worthy (you’re so good at that!), if you were capable of achieving (good job!), …. and if you were good looking, responsible, active or lazy,

The nature of our reality is formed from our beliefs and attitudes. Although we are caught in a matrix of societal constructs, this limited view becomes so absorbed with who we believe we are that it becomes difficult to distinguish between our own beliefs and values and the ones society dictates.

Your Beliefs are NOT YOU

Beliefs are not an identity; they are simply your interpretation of what you think is true. What you think and believe is true gives the definition of self. Some people act as if their beliefs define them. Instead of seeing the whole reality they select particular bits and pieces which mirror what they believe to be true. Regardless of the evidence before them, their lenses are only giving them a restricted view and they are seeing a limited perspective of reality. Ideally, knowledge of self, beliefs, attitudes and thoughts gives power to expansive awareness and choice.

When Beliefs Clash with Behaviours

Psychologists have found that some people’s beliefs and attitudes are not congruent with their behaviours. While they think they are passionate about the environment, they may not recycle, pick up plastic bags or use natural products. The belief about wanting to save the planet is not taken into action in their present moment. When they realise this, they can choose to be conscious about what they desire and alter their behaviours in alignment with their beliefs and values.

That’s powerful personal development!

In addition, each belief and attitude has a consequence and everyone can choose what consequence they prefer by altering their belief. For example, if a person believes they are not intelligent enough to go to university, the belief itself may be strong enough to stop the person from going. Any belief can hinder someone from improving their life and self improvement.

STEP 1: The first step in altering these unhelpful beliefs and attitudes, a process I often refer to as Personal Development INNERWORK, is to become aware of them through thought patterns. By going deep within, in a state of reflection, a person is able to identify the underlying beliefs which hinder their success or are making them feel uncomfortable.

Thought Journal is helpful in identifying thought patterns. Write in your thought journal for 5-10 minutes each day for at least 10 days. This process helps you become more aware of the thought patterns that habitually run through your mind. It also helps you SEE them – on paper…. this is very helpful.

Once you’re more familiar with your thoughts patterns hindering beliefs can be identified, and proven to be distorted or incorrect, by reality testing with what is really happening.

Furthermore, this process is excellent for helping you identify sabotaging family patterns.

Of course, it’s ALWAYS helpful to hire a Life Coach to go through this process. Ease and Joy.

Download this excellent Personal Development Worksheet to Transform CORE BELIEFS that are hindering you from achieving a life you love, then browse the rest of my website for more free personal development worksheets.
