A few years ago I met one of my best friends, Wiruungga Dunggiirr. Since then we’ve had some great adventures going for bush walks, having a yarn and a laugh, checking out the bush medicines, sitting at a campfire having a cuppa, sharing a meal of kangaroo burgers or kanga stew, filming some videos of him talking about his vision to build a community, and so on.Wiruungga5

When you sit with an Indigenous Elder it is a great honour. They carry with them ancient knowledge. Things you don’t normally hear in every day conversation. You might even get your own Indigenous painting! 🙂 (Here’s a pic of the painting Wiruungga did for me.)

Wiruungga is inspired to “build bridges between communities” and he delivers second hand clothing to remote Indigenous communities where shops are too far away to get to. He also likes to help community plant gardens. 

Here’s a video I made too. 🙂

On my journey I’m seeking Indigenous knowledge about how they live(d) sustainably on the land. I’ve heard that they know the natural laws of the land, and work one with the spiritual custodians. I’m currently reading a book on “Aboriginal Myths, Legends and Fables” that is absolutely fascinating.

(Note: since writing this blog my journey and mind continue to expand. It’s fascinating reading the blog a few years later and noticing how much I’ve learned!)

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aboriginal myths legends and fables

indigenous elder wiruungga dunggiirr